Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Peace in times of crisis, part 2
In early April of 2007, there was another crisis. Until now I did not realize just how close the two incidences happened together. It had been raining off and on all day, and I was working full time outside of the home. I had picked up the kids from school, grabbed dinner through drive thru and we got home about 6:30 that evening. The gas company was supposed to have turned our gas on while we were at work, so I went straight inside to get the heat going because- it had been cold and rainy all day! Having noticed the gas company van at our next door neighbor's house on the way in my driveway, as soon as I realized the gas as NOT on, my thoughts went to catching the gas company guy before he left our neighbor's. The way our luck was going, if we called the company and it being after hours they would have tried charging some stupendous charge for sending someone out, even though it was their fault.
Before heading next door, I had called Jay to tell him they hadn't turned it on. I hung up the phone, put my coat back on, and went outside. I jogged across our (somewhat large) yard towards the road, because there's a ditch surrounded by woods that goes all the way, and just as I went between the trees and the large shrub bush by our driveway, my feet left the ground, I felt a feeling that told me I was in the air, and as soon as that thought went through my mind, somehow, I was FEET away from where I thought I was, going face first into the gravel driveway that divides our property and our next door neighbor's property (see below).

My face hit, my arms were above my head, then my elbows hit the driveway after my head snapped backwards one time and I pushed up about an inch- just enough that I did not smack my face a second time ... because the first time- I heard - not felt - but I HEARD my nose break. I took two semi deep breaths, and by then, the adrenaline was pumping BIG time. I raised my head to see blood on the gravel. I pushed myself to my knees, pulled my cell phone out of my skirt pocket and called my parents. All I could get out was "come get me, I've broke my nose". I got up, prayed "Lord help me" and walked to my neighbor's house, not thinking the bleeding was really that bad. I knew I had to have scruffed my nose up cause it stung on the end, but I was able to ask the gas company guy if he could come over and turn on our gas if he didn't mind.
I remember wondering why Mr Wilson, who I had never met close up, just waved in passing (since we had only lived in this house three months at that point), and the gas guy, was looking at me as if I had a third eyeball.
Mr Wilson went inside and got his wife and some paper towels, and she walked me back to our house asking me repeatedly if I was sure she didn't need to stay. I assured her my parents only lived five miles away, and they were on their way, so after finding that out she went home. I got inside, about ten minutes after the hit, and went to look in the mirror. I could not close my mouth, not really out of pain at the moment, but because my jaw felt shifted and it physically would not shut.
I remember seeing gray spots on the end of my nose, and seeing the base of my nose starting to swell, and my eyes starting to puff up. Jackson and Hannah were the only ones there besides "the gas guy"- later to learn was also the father in law of one of my co workers! Hannah was five, Jackson was eight at the time. Jackson was following the gas guy around, but Hannah having actually looked at me, went into mother hen mode like she never had before in her life. I honestly believe that the spirit was guiding her, because she was able to follow directions during that time that she otherwise I don't believe would have been able to. Simple things, but things she had never seen done or had to do before.
It didn't take me but a minute of looking in the mirror before I was dizzy, and Hannah helped me to Jay's recliner in the livingroom. The foot rest being broken, Hannah fought and pulled it out herself so I could lay back, per her directions. She was the one thinking clearly and rationally, my five year old! She went and got a washcloth for the bleeding, and I told her to wet it- which she promptly did, and brought it back- NOT soaking wet, either!

So while I was laid up in the chair, I called my boss and left a message on her cell. I called my BFF, and asked if she would come over to be with the kids. Then I called Jay, to tell him what happened, lol I look back and think how amazing it was, that I was even able to make those calls, but by the grace of God!
We did not realize it but fortunately, Jay was two hours away on business when all that happened. I say fortunately because I cannot tell you how many times I had to tell the story of what happened. I later learned it was probably done because of the severity of the break (three places), they were trying to be sure it was not domestic violence. We actually started joking about Jay being two hours away on work with ten witnesses that were there when he got my call of what happened! Finally, a doctor concluded for my file: "tripped on grass".
All I can say is, it takes skill to do that- cause I don't even remember how I done it!
The neighbor's driveaway did though-

About thirty minutes after the call, mom and dad come flying in the house to learn what happened. When I called, they thought I was my then 20 year old neice calling them to come get her cause she broke her toe. (LOL) They drove six miles the opposite way of my house to her house, knocking on their door, trying to get someone to answer. My nephews were confused because my neice wasn't even at home! Then they told each other "Maybe it was Wendy then ..." and headed over to my house thinking I had broke my toe and was being dramamatic.
They learned different before they reached my door because Mrs. Wilson was waiting for them with the gas guy outside :) She explained what happened before they come in.
So Hannah and Jackson kissed me by, and mom and I headed to the ER while dad stayed behind with the kids to wait for my BFF to come over. Mom stayed with me until Jay was able to get there. X Rays, CT scans ... two mega vicotin ... and six hours later we made it home to a spic and span kitchen (BFF is a big time nester), and but for the vicotin I was hurting something BAD. Not only the break but they actually had to tweeze fragments of gravel out of the end of my nose where it was embedded in my skin. The whole time I never really worried, the pain was horriffic, but God gave me the grace to bear it. My health insurance with my employer had just kicked in a month prior almost to the day. Thousands of dollars that one night, and with the following surgery a week later.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Update on us
The next week Hannah started getting sick, but we thought she'd be ok. Days after, she started a cough, and I started feeling bad again. We went to the Dr later that week, for her to have an upper respiratory infection, and me to have both ears "this close" to being infected, and a sinus infection.
A couple days later, Jay started feeling bad, resulting in a very sore throat and fever. That was last week- Jackson started feeling crummy Saturday, running a low grade fever Sunday, and 102o fever Monday (yesterday). Hannah was home today with a belly ache and chesty coughing.
We've been a little busy ;o)
As a result, my blogging has suffered. For that, I apologize. This week I hope to do better. Not only my blogging, but I have been unable to spend time on the forum I host, Frugal Kitchen. If this is a topic that interests you, please come by and chat a little with us. It's been somewhat quiet lately! You'll need to register with iVillage, but it's free and they don't bite *g*
Not only has my online stuff lagged, but the house looks horrible (again!) Just as I was getting things straightened again, I'm in bed for a weekend and it looks like a tornado ran through it. Does this happen to anyone else? Or is it the fact the house isn't organized enough as it is that it only takes the slightest negelect for all the blocks to come falling down?
Jay's busy as ever working up a storm. He was home for two days last week (or was it three with the holiday?) so he's been playing catchup there. It can take a lot out of him too bless his heart. I can only imagine coming back to my inbox to find 400 emails, and know I couldn't go through and delete half of them right off the bat! :-O We've been discussing health insurance and I did not realize just how cheap his company is, but they really are!
We cannot afford to be insured through their carrier, so I'm going to have to look for a private family policy that is within our price range- that would actually cover maternity as well. We could probably afford private insurance without maternity, but who really wants to get into that kind of bind knowing your births cost $30k+? Then again, what are we doing now?
Jackson is doing better ... sort of. His perspective is getting better. He's had a lot of trouble adjusting to their new school. (They started a charter school after attending a private Christian school every year beforehand.) His grades have went from straight A's to Bs and Cs on average :( It's not the material, it's obvious he knows it because he aces all of his tests. His "NWEA" testing is high as well.
{NWEA's is the tests his school has to give students at the beginning of the year to measure where the student are academically, then they test mid year and end of year to prove they're actually teaching the students and accomplishing academic goals. If they cannot prove this, they lose funding and the school is closed, basically.}
It seems like he has a large workload, at home. So our challenge has been trying to find out the balance, and keeping him motivated to do his work at home. His health is showing his stress over this, in that his attendance has suffered due to him getting sick more often than usual. We've had some problems with him having hours worth of work at home, and he's been spent on the topic of homework. I've been spent at the idea of him being at school all day and coming home to have to work for two hours on homework! But after watching him more closely, he's not using his time wisely at home so that's our focus right now- keeping him focused.
I've counseled with a wise sister in Christ about this problem and she suggested incentives last week. I've never been one big on incentives with school work because my view generally is, they should do well in school because that's their job. Daddy goes to work every day for a paycheck, that's his job. Kids go to school each day, to get an education, so one day they'll be able to get a job and make money. BUT~ at this point, I'm open. So tonight, I told him if he got his homework done in an hour or less, we'd give him $3 a day. (I realize that might be excessive, but I figure after the good habit is formed, we'll work extra duties into the $3 total.) Whaddya know- he done it tonight. Score! Praise the Lord. He didn't have time to really complain, either ;)
He's made me proud, though.
He has really held up his standards at the new school and refuses to lower them. SO much, he's friends with everyone, but close with none of them. There's one girl in his class that went to the old school that was in his k4 class, and he talks to her, but since he's resolved not to really have girl-friends (as buddies), they only talk so much. He's talked to all of the boys enough to conclude NONE of them are saved, so while he talks a lot with one boy, his discernment tells him a close friendship is not possible because they don't share the same values.
This is all him- all I've done is listen to him. I give God the glory for this! Of course this is not to say when he gets older he might become close with a child that is not saved and following Christ (and be able to handle it), but his convictions right now are different.
Another area of growth I've seen in him is music.
He's gotten an interest in skateboarding, and is an avid youtube fan. Looking up youtube videos related to skateboarding, apparently some are clips put together to music. We were watching some the other night and he was looking at the titles and said "This is good but let me turn the volume down because I don't like the music" ... when the opening credits come up, the music was "TnT" by AC/DC. He was right, the video was really neat, even without the music. Same with his video games. He got a new skateboarding game, and looked up in the owners manual how to turn off the music and the talking. The speech wasn't profane, but had "filler" phrases he knows are unsuitable and he knew so.
My heart has been so blessed to see him make these decisions and guard his heart in this way. He is however ready to go back to private Christian school and has said so many, many times. The main thing he says he misses is Bible class each day (and chapel). I told him we could do something similar at home and he assures me it's not the same ;o) I pray the Lord will give us discernment and open some doors so at least he can get back there for next year- even if I have to drive to two schools each day!
Hannah auditioned last week for the school talent show. She sang the"Cuppycake song". She got a callback for a second audition. However- the note said the chosen song must be 2-3 minutes long. Cuppycake isn't! Oh no! We're trying to find a song she has sang in the past she can sing for the second audition. The only one we can think of is the song from the '06 CCS Heritage Program theme song "America, turn back to God"- but she's forgotten the words right offhand and we'd need to get the music somehow- by next Tuesday! Any Calvary friends reading this- any ideas?
Other than that, she's doing GREAT. She made all "4"s on her report card, and it comes so naturally for her. She really loves her teachers, and the assistant has said she really shines, and is an excellent example to her friends.
I was playing in Photoshop with a picture I took of her right after Christmas and it turned out really good, don't you think? I'm using that graphic as my signature on Frugal Kitchen :o)
She made me proud this weekend. She spent the weekend with my mom and dad, and they went shopping. Mom told her to pick out a Barbie video she wanted so she was choosing very carefully, looking at every one, mom said. She does this, too- she's not a child who when let loose in a toy store picks the first flashy thing that catches her eye! Mom pointed out a newer one, 'Barbie Diaries', and mom said she looked it over, and was looking at the back of the cover when she said "Maw maw, I don't want to get this one. It says it has rock music in it and I don't listen to rock music" and she handed it back! My parents had no idea of the kind of music the kids preferred, and seeing I used to constantly listen to rock - mom apparently assumed we still did. It floored her but she didn't push. (Just like when they went clothes shopping, my parents have learned- Hannah will NOT wear pants! ;)
So the Lord's showing me, that if we just pay attention, we'll know how our kids are really doing just through the little things. Praise Him!!
I must go, Jay just brought food in. Hope everyone is well!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Peace in times of crisis, part 1

I went to the door and he said "I think Jackson has broke his arm", and as he started talking I saw Jackson coming up the stairs with his cousin helping him, Hannah, three and a half at the time, tagging along behind them. Jackson was crying, but not outrageously crying at that point. He looked at me and as he said "mommy my arm" he went to lift it, and two inches from above his wrist, down, did not raise with the rest of his arm- his hand was separated from his arm, holding by skin, and the fact that the bones broke diagonally so there was that keeping the skin below the break and above the break from actually making a 90o angle.
I took one look, looked at our neighbor, and said "can you stay with him out here a minute?", he said yes, and that was when I went outside of myself and the Lord took over through my body. It sounds funny to read that, but really, that is what it was like. By myself, I would not have been able to stay calm as I saw my son's arm broke in half, already turning purple within minutes of the accident. The accident? His cousin pushed him as he was going across the monkey bars, he fell, and his arm was 90o to the ground, and the impact of his body on his arm caused it to snap.

I call my sister to tell her what happened, and God gave me the grace to have that conversation (may He have the glory for that), as that was not a time for conflict resolution between the kids, I just needed to let her know what was going on so she knew where her son was as I was babysitting while she worked. Jackson was crying louder now as the adrenaline was starting to wear and the pain was starting to settle in. I was captive in my own front seat driving when all I wanted to do was take him in my arms and "make it all better", maybe even cry with him a little.

The sobs stopped as soon as he got on the phone with her. She prayed with him the rest of the ride to the hospital, about fifteen minutes. THAT is a good friend! He was SO calm, and SO settled after that, it was nothing short but the work of God.
It was peace, in a time of crisis, for this mother.
Stay tuned for part two this Wednesday :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
BIAY- January 25th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Friday, January 23, 2009
BIAY- January 24th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
BIAY- January 23rd
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
BIAY- January 22nd
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
BIAY- January 21st
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
BIAY- January 21st
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Monday, January 19, 2009
BIAY- January 20th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
BIAY- January 20th
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Giveaways 1-19

Another giveaway is for Toothtunes Toothbrushes. It's a singing toothbrush, what will they come up with next??!! I like the idea because it's set with a one minute timer, has a beginning prompt, a 30 second "encouraging phrase" and an ending promot. Music plays while they're brushing their teeth. Lately with Hannah, this might be what we need to get her back on track with her tooth brushing. She's just not interested in it lately, how odd the phases they go through!
So go over and read bridgette's review, and get entered to win one of these for yourself!
At Five Minutes for Mom, there's a giveaway for a DVD copy of the new American Girl movie: "Chrissa Stands Strong". I've seen this movie. Knowing it wasn't a historical figure I wanted to watch it first to see if the topics would click with Hannah, which, it does. The movie is about bullying, and overcoming being bullied. It is very well done, and is a wonderful story. Very realistic and practical for today's kids. It was on HBO earlier this month, I still have it recorded but Hannah wants the DVD. Maybe I'll win this time? You go over and enter for yourself as well, okay?

Since we cannot afford the dolls (and Hannah come to terms with that very quickly without me having to explain, lol) I really want to start the book collections for Hannah. She has enjoyed the books she's seen already. Be sure to go enter the contest!
5 Minutes for Mom is also doing a giveaway for a box of alternative cold remedies from One Step Ahead; including Vapor-Eze Waterless Vaporizer, Baby Bed Blocks, and (what *I* really want!!) an EarCheck® Middle Ear Monitor!! That's well over $100 worth of items! If you'd like to join this giveaway too, get over there before January 31st to enter.
Kidoozy, a site I had never been to before just now, is having a giveaway for a $25 Michaels gift card. After seeing Nicole's Valentine project- I could use that to do one of those too! ;)
This is a neat one-

Jay was the master swaddler like none other when our kids were babies- and he did make sure the blankets did not touch their face at all for safety reasons. That was the only way Jackson could settle down, was to have that restriction there. As he grew out of the swaddle stage, he required heavier blankets for security, (I later learned about the idea of sewing fishing weights around the edges of kid blankets for that added weight to it, very neat idea I think!) If we have another infant in the house we'll definitely be getting one of these!
Go on over and enter to win the sleepsack! :)

National Delurking Week

Jennifer from PJAcademy has proclaimed National Delurking week on her blog, and I think that's a good idea. My hit counter is growing and growing, and I wonder who is reading?
Tell me who you are, and why you visit? What you would like to see? What you would like to hear? Where you found me? Ya know just the basics ;)
A Heart Committed To Prayer: Part 1
Part One: Prayer changes every aspect of life
Sunday, January 18, 2009
BIAY- January 19th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
BIAY- January 18th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Friday, January 16, 2009
BIAY- January 17th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
BIAY- January 16th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
BIAY- January 15th
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
raising foodies 1-15

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
BIAY- January 14
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Awesome Kiss My Face Giveaway
-One winner will win the entire Kids Line:
Shampoo/Conditioner, Self Foaming Shampoo & Body Wash, Self Foaming Hand Wash, Bubble Wash, 2 Bars of Soap, Toothpaste with Fluoride, Toothpaste without Fluoride, Detangler Creme, and Set of 2 Kids Lip Balms (over $70.00 value!)
-One Winner will win the Shine & Shimmer Lip Line:
6 Organic Sheer Shimmers in colors Ruby, Opal, Topaz, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet. Also 6 Sheer Organic Shine Lip Glosses in Ruby, Opal, Topaz, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet. 12 amazing lip products! (also over $70.00 value!)
So, if you want to get in on this, run over right now to Ladybug Soup and enter! :D
Always check your child's homework!
just sent me this email:

That is not a dance pole on stage in a strip joint! ...I work at Home Depot, ...that's me selling a shovel.
Mrs. Smith"
BIAY- January 13
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
BIAY- January 12
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Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Nails going down a chalkboard
Hi, I'm Wendy and I'm a "news junkie". I love Fox News. I followed the election very closely. I stayed up late the night of the Iowa caucus ;) I DVR America's Newsroom every morning so I can watch Bill and Megyn- Megyn rocks. I love her. They make news FUN ;) But I also DVR Hannity (previously Hannity & Colmes), Huckabee, sometimes Greta, but always Bill O'Reilly. I'm a DVR freak. I'll purposely start watching something 30-40 minutes later JUST so I can be DVR'ing it, while simultaneously watching it so I can fast forward the commercials. I like commercials, but only in moderation and when I only have a few minutes of folding laundry while watching something, I'll forego the commercials. If I'm blogging, the commercials stay on.
Did you grow up in the 80's? I did, barely. Sort of, I went through grade school beginning in the 80's. But I do remember something.
When President Regan was on TV, it was OVER! You might as well go to bed because your shows were NOT being shown that night- (AND! as Jeff Foxworthy said "and he's on all three channels!!" lol)
Yes, I followed the election closely. Closely enough, I went through a mini withdrawel from not seeing poll numbers not long after November 4th. Close enough, you can talk to my son about politics and he'll explain to you a few things ;) he has one friend at school, and when asked one time "So do you have a lot in common?" he answered "Well, I mean he's a democrat but besides that ..." (lol, love the innocence).
Close enough, I'm tired of hearing about (of course the obvious O...) Hilary's voice!! Kerry talking right now is just- AAHHH!!! So I'm playing A.N. and what's going on? Hilary's confirmation hearings. Yeeeessss ... it's news.
But I feel likeI'm in fifth grade, settling down to watch the Golden Girls and President Regan just come on and hijacked all three channels! I can't get my Bill and Megyn fix today because of Hilary! uhg Guess that's why I have an extra dose of housework today.
Nails ... screeching ... chalkboard.
Thank you Lord, for DVR- as that's getting turned off and deleted!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Come down with Strep again
Then on top of the strep I was having 'hormone shifts' ... uh hum .... on Friday which resulted in a migraine all day yesterday, last night. and I'm not sure if it's still here right now or not cause I just woke up and thought to post something. I know I'm making a bunch of typos and my head is whoozy. But I just wanted to let everyone know where I had went, and where I'll be until this all goes away. If you think about it please pray for me!
BIAY- January 11th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
BIAY- January 10th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Friday, January 9, 2009
BIAY- January 9th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
raising foodies 1-8

This is going to be the first official week of the 'kids in the kitchen' column. The inspiration behind it is to share what you have done with your kids in the kitchen that week. Tara from Feels like Home come up with the idea and we're exchanging links over there, too. It's been said that when kids are exposed to the cooking experience early in life, they are more well rounded eaters, less picky, more adventurous, especially when they help make something.
So the kids just got back from visiting family in Alabama last week. Apparently, Hannah's great aunt Susan went to the store and bought them out of sprinkles and frosting. They made a batch of cupcakes, and frosted them in each color. MIL says that Hannah had a ball. Below is what was left, that was brought home for us. They were so pretty I couldn't help but take a picture! ;o)

BIAY- January 8th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
a day of reflection
The Lord has shown me how much I have healed from the hurt of losing ^Jordan^. I may not really feel like it most days, but, I have. We lost Jordan in April '08 (for my new readers, this is our great nephew that stayed with us 60-70 hours a week for four, of the seven weeks he was here on earth.); I had been praying for ^Gracie^ from I guess May or June until I pulled up her page in ... maybe August? (Read the "My Story" part on that page!)
Then it "got real" for me, Gracie's story. You know you can pray for something or someone, and be sincere, but still not have that "connection" with what you're praying for. That was this case. Then Gracie went home to be with the Lord in October.
She would have been ten months old today. That means Jordan would have already been ten months. I remember looking at my cousin's sweet little boy at Christmas, thinking of Jordan, knowing Jordan was only a month younger than him, and how much smaller Jordan probably would have been him being the lil peanut he was. It still amazes me how strong Amanda (Gracie's mom) has been through all of this. I'm not sure, had our paths not crossed, just how well I would be doing right now. I hate the thought of her losing her sweet daughter, but had it not been for Gracie, we would have never met. It's odd, how the Lord works things out. I guess some things we will just never understand until we get to glory.
I remember saying to people when Grandma died "Grief- it's such a process..." when they'd ask how I was doing. I knew I was losing Grandma though. As much as I did not want to, I knew in my heart her time was coming. We did not know we would lose Jordan. He was here and then he was gone. Gracie's uncle Jay made her a video and has it on youtube, grab your tissues and go over and meet this sweet little girl. (You won't be the same!) As I was posting on her page earlier today I saw her grandma had posted the most appropriate, nicest poem:
"All things, " dear Lord did you mean that
All things would work together?
The good, the bad, the ugly, Lord-
Even though death should sever?
So sweeping, so comprehensive,
Might there be, Lord, exceptions?
this hurt, this shame, this utter pain,
Is there new revelation?
And yet the Word is plain and clear,
That all things work together;
Help me to take this word from Thee,
And cease my strivings ever.
The good, the bad, the ugly, Lord,
They're colors on my canvas,
That Thou wilt use to form and mold
For good and wondrous brightness.
O Lord, when all just seems so lost,
And hopeless the perspective,
help me to trust and just believe,
And know Thy Word's effective.
Increase my faith, increase my trust,
And cease my empty reason;
For all things work together, Lord
Though painful at this season.
As I read the last entry on Dante's page written by his father, I decided to go surprise Hannah and eat lunch with her at school. This was the first time I ever had. Jordan, Gracie and Dante has shown me we cannot wait for anything. Do it NOW- there might not be another breath .. another tomorrow. Our days are numbered, and God only knows when our last day will be. I'm just so glad I know Him as my Savior and know that when that time comes, heaven with Him is where I'll be.
Giveaways- 1-7
Bridgette is bashin' away at her birthday bash for Lily and Charlotte. She's even participating in Wordless Wednesday with a precious picture of Miss Lily, how sweet!! Today's giveaway is threefold: a design from Photogreetings, a birthday flag from Blackbird Letterpress, and a PINATA from Birchangel !! I just come out of our birthday zone, but that Pinata is precious :o) Go check things out for yourself, and enter!
How did you finish?
2 Timothy 4:6-8 (This is Paul speaking at the end of his life)
6For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at
7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith:
8Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Is this what we would say at the end of our life? I cannot, I would be lieing. I've noticed a common answer is "I would hope.." or "I sure hope so...". When you ask someone if they will go to heaven when they die, and they say "I hope so...", that pretty much tells us they are not. You will KNOW your eternal destination if you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, according to the bible! So why would that answer be any better, from a Christian, when they're asked if they served the Lord to the best of their ability?
The new year is a time of reflection:
1 Corinthians 9:24-25
24Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
25And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

Satan is going to do whatever it is he can that will distract you- and he knows exactly what that is going to work best to distract you from putting your focus on God, and not the world around you- your world.
Galatians 5:7
7Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?
Has there been in a time in your life when you were closer to God than you are now? Why is that? Sure, circumstances change, and things might be different, but that does not mean you are further away from God because circumstances are different. If you are going through trials right now, that does not mean you are further away from God because of the trials, it might mean that God is bringing you through a "growth spurt", bringing you into a deeper, intimate relationship with Him.However, it is possible some of you reading are not as close to God as you might once have been, or as close as you could be? What is Satan doing to prevent you from accomplishing that closeness? Is he telling you that you don't have enough "time" to read your bible in a year because you work full time outside the home, have kids to take care of, and a home budget to keep balanced? Since you don't have "time" to read your bible in a year, is he telling you it's okay to not read your bible daily? Have you ever experienced a closeness to God, the joy of your salvation, NOT being in your bible daily, seeking His Word and will for your life?
Be careful to not get trapped into the "things" of this world. I used to say I didn't have enough "time" to really stay in my bible. After tragedy struck our family last year, and I got through the "processing" time oeriod, I realized, I could not afford, spiritually, NOT to read my bible. It was then I decided it was worth sacrificing things I was doing that ate my time each day, to spend more time with the Lord. But guess what? Satan sent MORE things, different things, that had the ability to suck the time out of my day! It wasn't that these things were bad things, I had the ability to help people- but did GOD want me to help these people? We should always be on guard for things that take away our time in God's Word, even when they're "good" things!
Hebrews 12
1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so
easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
The new year is a time to be thankful for accomplishments.
Have you sat down yet, and thanked God for everything he done for you in 2008? There should be some spiritual growth in us each year- are you able to recognize how much you have grown in the past year?

The bible says we are to emulate Christ in our lives. When we do this, we will receive crowns in glory, to be able to sit at Jesus' feet. This was Paul's desire. Paul, in his life, was continually looking forward to the moment Christ come back, forward to the crowns he would receive in glory, and for death. Paul was ready to get to heaven- not just at the end of his life, but throughout his life. Can we say that? I cannot! When I think about Paul, I think about just how weak I am, and how much I have to grow. I am so thankful that God in his perfection knew there would be weaklings like me that needed such an example to work towards, that he was sure to have Paul write His Word!!
Would we be ready for death like Paul was, if we were not so wrapped up in the things of this world?
How can we be better Christians in 2009?
- Don't be satisifed with past accomplishments.
Continually be striving to be a better Christian in the future than you were in the past. We will never "arrive" to the point of being the "ideal" Christian, so don't let Satan fool you into thinking there's not more you can do to serve Christ!! - Be HONEST with yourself!
Have you really accomplished as much as you think you have? Do you really think there's no room for ministry at your church- or are you just fearful of starting something new? There is ALWAYS something to do in God's house- for the old and the young!! Pray- God will show you. - Set some realistic goals.
No, most of us will not make the big mission trip to a foreign country this year, but we can start working in the nursery-if that's where God wants us. Where do you want to be, spiritually, in January 2010? Do you want to be able to do say you read your bible in a year? Handed out two tracts a week? Have family alter? We accomplish nothing without goals, so start setting them! - Be totally surrendered to God.
He gave His son for us, why would we think about giving Him anything LESS than our BEST?

BIAY- January 7th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I got an award!

It has rules, which are-
Here are the rules-
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Wow, ten blogs!? I've just started reading blogs, lol
I say-
Stacie- The Arizona Benningtons (go over and congradulate her on her first mile walked in 2009!)
Katy -Totally Random Katy
Simple Reflections
Katy - Katy's Mommy Musings
"A" from Purple Puzzle Place
Amy from Growing Like Trees
Nicole from The Graves' House (go and look at baby Jack's pictures! SOOOO sweet!!)
Joanne from Blessed...
Leslie from Room for at least One More
Tara from Feels like home (she's the reason you're going to be seeing mine and Hannah's cooking adventure son Thursdays *g*)
Happy Birthday Lily and Charlotte!
Be sure to go by and join in on the fun!!
New year is killing me

HOWEVER~ now I'm not "crazy"! It's on paper! I really AM as big as I have been saying I was for quite some time now! So it can finally make sense to people that when I say my feet hurt, they are hurting from the arthitis that has formed in them and the fact they are bearing the brunt of an obese woman. No wonder I can't stand on my feet for long amounts of time any more!! No wonder my back and hips flare up not along after my feet start tingling! It's on paper now, can we PLEASE start eating healthy now? Naysayers- NO- you CANNOT lose weight by exercising alone! You make things worse in some cases :o/
I got out of bed optimistic yesterday. After Jay left with the kids I done a one mile walk, stayed on the low impact end because I needed to do other things around the house. After that I got ready, even put on makeup. Cleaned out the fridge down to condiments- spent over an hour between the fridge and washing dishes, rinsing jars, etc for the recycling bin, and making trips out to the woods to throw everything out.

It was a good, accomplished day. Sidenote, the blessing of the day was my cousin had a HUGE bag of daffodils she brought home from work (with permission, lol) and she gave me about five pounds of bulbs before she left. I'm so excited! I want to build a "cut garden" right out of the back door, that will be so nice!

I'm so tired of this! I don't want to be a 33 year old disabled person!
Please pray the Lord would work out the hinderances to my health, I'd really appreciate it.
Oh! and speaking of health- my migraines. I was back to having them on a regular, somewhat frequent basis. You know over Christmas break I started back drinking coffee at home (instead of having a cup a day from McD's and that was it) ... and the migraines are not NEAR as frequent as they were? I can't win for losing ;o)
BIAY- January 6th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Monday, January 5, 2009
Shhh, don't tell my mama ...
BIAY- January 5th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
The first mention of the Trinity
People have questioned the Trinity saying there's no recollection of Jesus in the Old Testament, but I can think of two examples right off the top of my head. The first is that of Melchisedec in Hebrews 7:1-10, and Genesis 14:18-20 and Psalm 110:4-5. According to the Scriptures, I believe Jesus was the aforementioned Melchisedec.
However, the Trinity is mentioned before Genesis 14, it is mentioned in the garden of Eden!
Genesis 3:5
"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
"and ye shall be as gods"-
initially my thought was the frame of thinking that the LDS church believes, that everyone will be gods in their own right, but this is not the case in this passage. Looking further, the word used for this is "'elohiym ", used in the singular- plural intensive tense, defined as "the (true) God", which is uppercase "G:, not lowercase- which, makes a BIG difference!
Looking deeper in verse 22:
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever"
"one of US" = there are THREE in the Godhead! If God was a singular entity, then this would have definitely been worded differently, because God is not the author of confusion.
It amazes me at the many little nuggets of information we read in the bible, and miss them for years then all of a sudden the Lord opens our eyes to a little more wisdom as we grow and mature in our faith and walks with Him. I have read that passage countless times but that never struck out at me until last week. What a blessing to have him confirm one more time that yes, he is in control and yes, he has us covered in (most) all of the answers to the questions we have. Praise the Lord!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
BIAY- January 4th
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
BIAY- January 3rd
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Jackson!

You see, I did not have a biological brother. My sister and I were my parents' only children. I met my "brother" when I was ... I guess around the fifth grade. He was a boy in my neighborhood, that I did not know even lived there until I was around that age, when my parents started not- minding that I ride my bike off of our street (he was around the corner). He was a couple of years older than me, and was an only child. Since my sister is 12 1/2 years older than me, I grew up practically as an "only", too. He took me under his wing- taught me to do tricks with my bike like riding down a hill with no hands (he tried teaching me how to do that and pedal as well, but we decided my girlie bike just "stunk", lol). He taught me how to throw a baseball and catch it, how to swing with a bat and hit. how not to be afraid of his pitches even though they seemed mighty close to me, lol

This was all before I hit eighth grade. During that time he become heavily involved in his church's AWANA program, and my faint recollection of that time was he decided that he was going to be a preacher when he grew up. I remember a single conversation in his driveaway, him asking me if I believed in God. He was the first person to ever witness to me, looking back.

He was there for prom. I went to the prom my freshman year with my senior boyfriend, and he is there- in my pictures. Yep- he come down to my house in his tux to see me off for the prom- the same one he was going to as he was a Junior, LOL
He was my brother.
So as an adult, not growing up with a real relationship with my sister one because of the age differences, two because of her own life situations, the only sibling relationship I knew, was, to have a brother. and it was a blessed relationship, one that I treasure fondly. When faced with the fact I was going to be a parent, and have my own children, the thought went to birth order from time to time. Not as much, would I like a daughter, because yes, I wanted a daughter. I wanted twins, and I wanted one of each! That was my answer when people asked, before I went for my first ultrasound! OUr "official" answer was- we wanted a healthy child. Of course, right?
So the day of our ultrasound come. Jay and I had decided, that although his curiosity was great, and he wanted to know, that it would be impossible for him to know and me not know, so, when the nurse wrote down the sex of the baby and folded the piece of paper ... Jay sat there a minute, and threw the paper in the trash without looking. We decided to keep it a surprise. We were "Team Green" as I would later learn the term ;o)
My very next doctor's appointment went well. The ultrasound results were great, the baby was healthy, all was good. I walked out to the desk to make my next appointment, and there it was. The INSIDE of my folder...

That whole time poor Jay had a million thoughts run through his head, mainly, there was something wrong with the baby that the tech could not tell us when we were there for the ultrasound appointment. Thoughts raced through his mind of things that could be wrong, but he was confused because we counted one head, two arms, ten fingers, two legs, ten toes .... did other tests results come back he did not know of? Did the baby have a chromosomal abnormality? (My nephew has a deformed gene, and is handicapped.) Does it have three eyes that the doctor found that the tech missed? One kidney instead of two? What? What?? What??!!

What did I see in my folder that caused such a strong reaction?
It was decked out in PINK.
Down to the pink baby bracelet with my last name on it!
It was at that moment, that instant moment when I saw the pink, that my heart of hearts acknowledged- I wanted a BOY!! It was a girl and I wanted a BOY! WHY did I want a boy?! Birth Order! Because I wanted my daughter to have a big brother! If I had a girl first, she could never have a big brother! I wanted my daughter to have a the biological relationship to a big brother that I had to my "adopted" big brother! If I bore a girl first, that would not happen!
What a horrible mother I was! That I was not happy but overwhelmingly distraught by the fact I had a perfectly healthy daughter inside of me, instead of a perfectly healthy SON!! I cried for three hours. THREE hours. There was more. Our family fought us tooth and nail, moreso my family, because we decided to not find out the sex. Many conversations and debates occured over that (we did not have good boundaries back then, lol). I was also upset, because NOW I "knew" the sex. One more argument that had been "lost", like it really mattered. So we kept our little fact a secret. Actually, my mother still not does know this story, LOL I don't think anyone does! My sister in law will, because she will likely read this at some point and call me ;o)
So on that great day that I birthed my first child by emergency c section, and as they went to pull him from my womb, my having spent three months making peace that my dream of my daughter, who was about to be born, would never have the biological big brother, not knowing if she would ever be as blessed as I was to have another male assume that position in her life .... having spent three months learning to love my daughter as much as I would a son in the grand scheme of things ....

as Jay watched them turning the baby around and around because the cord was around it's neck so tightly they had no choice but to move the baby instead of the cord, they exclaimed-
and what a wonderful big brother he is, too :o)
As far away from God as we were that night, he still gave me the desire of my heart.
Psalm 21:2
"Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips."

BIAY- January 2nd
If you are using gmail, the "alerts" will not come as separate emails, which- would be a good reason to use your gmail account for this. If you're not using gmail, you can click through to the blog to read the conversations in the order it happened :o)
Happy Reading! (and I'll be back!)
Bible reading and the growing Christian

I would spend hours looking up passages, keywords in my computer bible program, reading passages in context; cross referencing passages. That's how I had my "growth spurts".
However, confessing my weaknesses, I suffer a chemical imbalance that makes me prone to bouts of depression. Not having consistent medical insurance over the years have led to a myriad of ups and downs for me spiritually, but I always seemed to come "out" spiritually more stable, more mature, in the end. Bible reading, daily, was never consistently in the picture. I always heard the preacher preach about it, how important it was, but it seemed like setting such a lofty goal would be, for me, to set myself up for disappointment.

I spent the most part of latter Spring and half of the summer in a dazed fog, most of the time laying in bed just ... numb. I knew Jesus was with me, it was like he was walking behind me, keeping me going just enough to interact with the kids ... eat. Reading my bible was the last thing I thought about, but it was from what I had read before tragedy striked, I believe, that kept me going. It kept me thinking about God's promises. I had grown enough from that time of "good", when I was reading, that it kept me up when things were bad.

I know this is getting long ;o)
I say all of this, to make a point. In Psalms 1, a very simple chapter, I might add, it says:
2But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
If a tree is planted in a desert, does it have a chance of growing into a tall and mighty tree? Or will it remain a stick easily plucked up?
However, have you ever noticed a tree planted near rivers of water, how strong and DEEP it's roots take hold into the ground? How in the Spring, it's leaves are such a bright shade of green that you just have to stop and stare?

Verse 3 says that the Christian's fruit will be brought forth in due season. Like the tree planted by the water- it draws it's nourishment from the water. The water feeds it, and builds up it's strength. The water makes it strong so that it can withstand the weather that might beat against it. It's roots, because they are so deep into the ground, holds that tree strong, firmly planted, so it can stand against things that seek to harm it, or might damage it.
Had I not been rooted as deep as I was in God's Word last Spring, there might be no telling what would have become of me. I was at such a low point last year, it would not had taken much I don't think to tip that scale. Because I was rooted as deep as I was, it kept me from becoming bitter.

I think of these verses:
1 Corinthians 16:13
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong."
Ephesians 6:10
"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might."
2 Timothy 2:1
"Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
1 John 2:14
"I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one."
Is everything going good in your life right now? Then that is all the reason to committ to being in God's Word regularly- because there might be a day in 2009, when you are going to need the echos of the verses to read today, to come across your mind then.
Are you going through a time of stress or trouble these days? Now is the time to draw closer to the Lord, to dig deeper into His Word as if you are planting yourself deep into your faith, so that you will not waver and fall when you think about things around you. Reading the Word and being close to Him, will strengthen you to overcome the challenges you are facing now. You won't feel like you are growing into a more mature Christian, a stronger Christian, but when the time comes, you will be able to look back and say "Wow ... what a long way I've come.", and you'll be able to bring glory to the Lord through your testimony.