I found the Routan Baby Maker and couldn't help myself, curiosity got the best of me! I searched allll of my pictures to find a headshot of me and Jay that did not contain hair in face, hats, glasses, and closed mouths. Yeh, that was a challenge in and of itself! But I did, and look at this sweet baby! ;o)
I found this through a post at 5 Minutes for Mom- Volkswagon is sponsoring a giveaway there. They're giving away a $50.00 gas card and fun Volkswagen Routan prize package including the book, Welcome to Your World, Baby, authored by Brooke Shields, Volkswagen T-shirts, a Volkswagen branded tin and a couple of "mom essentials", why not go over and check it out?
(edited 1-1 6:30pm to add)
Oh YAY!! I just finished checking out a website reviewed by the Not-So-Blog, by the Precious Moments company called the Precious Girls Club. Hannah has started playing online more, and I think I've just found the ticket!! She loves the girlie sites like Barbie, and the dress up dolls, etc .. this is just way beyond that.

"PGC games reinforce such virtues as helpfulness, kindness, responsibility, loving and caring. In addition to points, many activities award "virtual" virtue charms. "
"PGC makes it easy for mothers to participate in their daughters' online activities. From your own page on our website, you can email from the "real" world to your daughter's "virtual laptop" in her Precious Girls Club room. So, when your child demonstrates "caring" in the real world, you can send her a congratulatory message and points toward an online "caring" charm. The parent's section even suggests ideas for helping your daughter earn her virtue charms at home or in her community. "
That looks so neat!! The NSB is having a giveaway for a Precious Girls Club prize pack including a copy of the book, "A Little Bit of Faith", a pink tote bag, a stuffed animal, friendship bracelets, charm bracelet and Kind Charm! Hannah would LOVE that!! She also has the code for a one month- free membership, too- I'm definiately taking advantage of *that*!
Do you think you're little one would, too? Hope on over and enter the giveaway too- and don't delay, it ends January 3rd!
I've found the Not-So-Blog through The Graves' blog just now, what a NEAT blog!! She's doing a giveaway for Lemonhead Kidz , they've offered the prizes, which is one Bandeez in EACH of the three size categories AND three Clipeez of your choice- so there will be SIX winners! How cool is that? So hop right on over and join the giveaway for yourself :o) Hurry though, it ends January 4th.
Thanks for blogging about the contest! Glad you found my blog!