Thursday, June 4, 2009

Trying to meal plan

Since mom is down, I've taken her brand new, still in the box from a year ago- 7 quart crock pot with the intentions of cooking for them. Thing is, my mother is a pickier eater than Hannah- so I must approach this venture with much care lest I end up wasting food and my time and energy! So I thought I had a pack of chicken breasts in the fridge, but that pack should have been put in the freezer (my how time flies). So the kids and I will be heading to the store, likely Aldi, shortly to pick up something for tonight.

I'm trying to come up with some ideas for them- what do you think about this? Do you have any ideas for feeding picky eaters?

Rotisserie Style CP Chicken Ranch vegetables

CP Chicken and Dumplings

Sweet potatoes COTB

Ha- this will be good- layered dinner - sides included!

I have some purple sweet potatoes, and a garnet yam I want to cook for the kids and I, I think I'm going to try them in the CP. I'll let you know how that works out.

(think I'll do chicken adobo for us! that looks quite frugal)

Looking through Stephanie's site that never ceases to amaze me I just found a post that will be helpful with my Deceptively Delicious quest, too (yay!)

1 comment:

  1. I love stew beef cooked in the crock pot and you can use potatoes or carrots or both, onions if they like them, or not....the meat is always so tender. Just a thought.... How nice for you to do the cooking
