Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boycott Jon & Kate: For The Kid's Sake

My heart is broken. Jon and Kate Gosselin have divorced. On the show "separate" was used, but to be clear from news reports, the translation is DIVORCE. You see, in North Carolina, you have to "separate" for a year before you are granted a divorce by the courts. I don't know what other states do this as well, but to hear "separate" to be is "cooling off", "regrouping", possibly going through counseling. They have not done this.

I can no longer support this family through watching their show and buying their books, letting them think it is ok to make the decisions they have. When our Christian brothers and sisters are sinning, we lovingly confront them with their sin. In an effort to get the point across, because they are Christians in the national spotlight (bringing reproach to the name of Christ)- I have created a Facebook group Boycott Jon & Kate: For The Kid's Sake. No participation is required, only that you join. This is just a collective voice of concerned people sending the message to Jon and Kate that this is not acceptable.

Upon joining feel free to express your thoughts, and let them know you will be praying for them. and Please, share this group with others. As many people who have talked about this, it would be nice for them to be able to see that YES, people DO care, yet we DO hold them accountable for their decisions, too.

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